“Eagle” Notes



To provide additional communication and interaction with residents, this page contains the Parish Council notes from the parish clerk published in the “Eagle” village magazine each month. (The December issue also covers January of the following year.) This page will contain the latest notes together with those for the previous two issues of the “Eagle”.

August 2024

Last month the metal fence separating the playing field from the adjoining field was installed by WM Ironworks. We hope that the installation didn’t inconvenience any neighbouring properties. A big “Thank you” must go to Cllrs. Brice, Cooke, Farr (and his family) and Jeffery. Without their help the labour costs for this big project would have been extensive. Their willingness to get stuck in helped the council in financial terms and is a good example of councillors’ willingness to contribute in order to benefit the whole community.

As mentioned last month, the council has passed its annual internal audit, relevant associated documents are now available to view on www.yarnscombe.org.uk/transparency-code-information.html.

The weather this summer has been very changeable, but we have had a few nice days. Should you have used these days to go on walks on the many footpaths surrounding Yarnscombe, please remember, should you come across anything like a broken stile, missing/broken sign, please report them to any of the councillors or myself (clerk@yarnscombe.org.uk) and I will pass it on to our local Public Rights of Way Warden.

Finally, another “Thank You” to Cllr. Cooke who trimmed back the hedge at Clogshill Cross, thereby visibility has much improved.


  1. Proposed extension to dwelling, 6 St Andrew's Close, Yarnscombe, Barnstaple, EX31 3LB, Ref. No.: 1/0392/2024/FUL
    Application permitted


Please go to www.devon.gov.uk > Roads and Transport > Report a Problem > Pothole. There you will find the definition of a pothole and once you press “Start now” it guides you through a short questionnaire regarding location, size etc of the pothole. You can then pinpoint the pothole on an interactive map, check if it has been reported before and its current progress update.

REMEMBER: The more people report a pothole, the likelier it is to be repaired.

If you are reporting an emergency that requires immediate attention, something that is very likely to present an imminent threat to life or serious injury or serious damage to property, please call 0345 155 1004. You can also ring DCC on 0345 155 1015 to report a pothole or for any other problems related with highways.

July 2024

Our last meeting incorporated the Annual Parish Meeting, the Annual Parish Council Meeting and Ordinary Council Meeting.

The Annual Parish Meeting offers the opportunity to raise any issue that parishioners consider relevant. You don’t have to attend in person, you can email or phone councillors to talk on your behalf. Another option would be to leave a request on the website.

As part of the Annual Parish Meeting the chair and vice-chair were elected. Cllr. Brice took on the office of chair, while Cllr. Newberry accepted the office of vice-chair.
The following representatives were elected:

Regarding the Youth Club, as yet no volunteers have come forward. If someone is considering it but feels overwhelmed at what it may entail, I would be happy to help in the initial set up and help with administration matters.

The council has accepted a quotation from WM Ironworks to produce and install a galvanised metal fence in the playing field. Works should begin mid to end of June, depending on weather. We would like to apologise for any inconvenience these works may cause.

The council has passed its annual internal audit, relevant associated documents will be published on this website in due course.

June 2024

Last week we have been blessed with lovely weather. It seems that finally spring has arrived. Fingers crossed it's here to stay! Maybe you were even one of the lucky ones to have a view of the Northern Lights.

Over the last few years quite a few families with children have moved into the village. The amount of children living in the parish certainly would make the resurrection of Youth Club a viable option. A friend of mine and I were responsible for Youth Club for a few years. When we first started, we were taken aback that we had to have DBS checks, vetting and health & safety policies in place. Still we navigated our way through the admin, we arranged activities and visits from outside agencies. We had visits from dental nurses, fire & police service and water aid to name just a few. In times of good weather, we made use of the playing field. It was always busy and for us adults quite exhausting. Believe it or not, I am trying to sell the idea of volunteering, as back then the children enjoyed coming and it was an opportunity for them and parents to meet up and make friends. Nowadays, it is too easy to live insular lives and get stuck behind computer screens. So, if you have children or just want to get involved, please consider Youth Club one more time. It is the only child / young people specific event that would run regularly in the village.

PCSO Brown attended our last council meeting. There were no crimes to report for the previous month and no incident logs had been created. She pointed out the importance of reporting every crime and not just putting relevant information on Facebook or other social media. All crimes need to be reported to proper channels so they can be investigated, and releasing potentially vital information on social media could prejudice further proceedings.

Planning applications:

  1. 1/0392/2024/FUL, 6, St. Andrews Close, Yarnscombe — Proposed extensions to dwelling